Emergency Treatment

Q. What should I do in an event of a dental emergency?

A. Please call the practice immediately so that we can arrange an appointment as quickly and conveniently as possible for you.


Q. What should I do to cure a toothache?

A. If you are suffering from a painful toothache, something is wrong that requires attention. Contact us immediately to organize an appointment as quickly and conveniently as possible for you. Painkillers such as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol are recommended; do not exceed the maximum dose.


Q. What should I do if I have a swelling?

A. Swellings are caused by an infection. Contact us immediately to schedule an emergency appointment.


Q. What should I do if I have fractured my tooth?

A. Fractured teeth can usually be restored so there is no need to panic. If the tooth is painful, avoid hot or cold and avoid eating or biting on that side i.e. relieve the tooth from extremes of temperature and pressure. Painkillers such as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol may help. Pain-free treatment is usually available by contacting us quickly.


Q. What if I have lost a crown?

A. Keep your crown safe so it can be re-cemented as soon as possible to avoid damage or the need for root canal treatment. Contact us immediately.


Q. What if I have knocked a tooth out?

A. The tooth needs to be re-implanted into its socket immediately. 

  • Try not to handle the tooth root to protect the fibres around the root surface. 
  • If possible, place the tooth back into the socket and splint in place with silver paper. 
  • DO NOT place the tooth in water. 
  • DO place the tooth in cold milk (e.g. Room temperature Long Life Milk) or on one side of your mouth between your teeth and cheeks 
  • Contact us immediately


Q. What if I have broken my denture?

A. Broken dentures can usually be repaired relatively easily. Please resist the temptation to glue them together your self as this often makes a repair very difficult. 

We recommend to contact your nearest local denture clinics to have your denture assessed and repaired in a time and cost effective manner.

Fisher's Denture Clinic : 07 3245 3218
131B Old Cleveland Rd Capalaba QLD 4157 (Next to Pizza Hut)